About Us

The creation of Emotional Dropouts is for people around the world who is going through or overcame events that impacted life. A community where we can feel comfortable being uncomfortable. Using fashion as a outlet for expression, a way to cope, so here’s my story.
Growing up in Hawaii hasn't been sun shine and rainbows. It's been a painful paradise to say the least. Growing up in a home with a abusive father who's parenting skills were inadequate due to substance abuse. Living conditions so emotionally draining that suicide felt like the permanent solution, with a few attempts. Spending time on the streets in search for something much more. Made good and bad decisions which ultimately landed me in prison.
After coming home from prison cancer took my mother and 2 aunts, who were very close to heart. Suffered many losses but also celebrated many victories.
Emotional Dropouts is for anyone who can relate or want to support others. Knowing that others are out there, we shall come together through our stories.